1st Annual Serenity Tea Party for Mothers of Incarcerated Sons/Daughters
Hello Friends and Family,
It has been on my heart to host a very peaceful event for mothers who have a son or daughter incarcerated because I understand how painful it is for a mother to be separated from her child (even if he/she is grown). A mother's connection to her child begins in the womb and it continues forever, even after their life on earth is over! So it is no wonder why this type of separation is extremely difficult for mothers to cope with. Our Serenity Tea Party will bring mothers together in a serene environment where they can meet other mothers with similar experiences. Our mothers will be showered with kindness, love, joy, peace, support and understanding.
Although the title says that our Serenity Tea Party is for mothers, it is also open to other women who have a loved one incarcerated (ex. Grandmothers, Wives, Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, etc.). Every beautiful woman in attendance will receive a special greeting in a very quaint and dainty tea room. In addition to a variety of delicious sandwiches, desert and hot flavored tea, each lovely woman in attendance will receive an inspirational program with information and resources about how to best cope during the time that they are separated from their loved one.
Our 1st Annual Serenity Tea Party will be held at Elise's Tea Room (Where Tea Warms the Heart). It will be held on Sunday, August 21, 2016 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. The address is 3924 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach, California 90807. The tickets for this event are $40.00 per person and should be purchased in advance so we can know how many elegant ladies to expect! You may purchase your tickets online with a Debit Card, Credit Card or PayPal account by clicking the "Buy Now" button on the home page of this website (www.keicheareever.com). You may also contact me to discuss an alternate payment method. Space is limited so if you are planning to attend, purchase your ticket as soon as possible. Email: director@keicheareever.com.
Telephone: 562-506-0287 Ext. 701. Wear your Sunday's Best! Hats are a plus but they are optional!

Spreading hope and love in a world filled with both joy and pain!
I hope to see you or someone you refer there!