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Building Relationships Face to Face is Vital to Humanity!

Today I had the opportunity to attend a conference for my Continuing Education Units entitled, "Supervising Multiple Generations from a Business Perspective" by Angela Mandas, M.A., CCC-SLP. I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that the presenter was my supervisor 22 years ago when I was a Speech Language Pathology Intern at Long Beach Memorial Hospital. Wow! I had not seen her since 1995! Time flies but I'm not old ;-) Anyway, we had a long, interesting large group discussion about the different generations from the Traditionalists (Born between 1922-1945), the Baby Boomers (Born between 1946-1963), Generation X (Born between 1964-1980), the Millenials (Born between 1981-1995) to Generation Z (Born 1995-2012).

Each generation has been raised in different ways and they each have different styles of communication, learning and leadership. This video is one of several videos that was presented and discussed today because it captures the way our current generation is closely tied to technology and social media. I decided to post this particular video because it is a very important reminder that we need to make sure that we maintain a healthy balance between the use of our technology and the physical connection we have with the people in our lives. Let's be more present and attentive when we are in the presence of others! If you have time, let me know your thoughts about this topic. You can call me, email me or better yet... we can meet in person face to face!

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